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Welcome to the Colorado Archaeological Society

Our Mission

The Colorado Archaeological Society is a non-profit organization committed to the stewardship of archaeological resources in Colorado. We achieve this through public education, research, conservation, advocacy, and enhanced opportunities for responsible participation in archaeology for interested individuals and organizations.


Trading Post, Otero County, CO

Our History

The Colorado Archaeological Society ("CAS") came into existence in 1935 as the Southwestern Colorado Archaeological Society as a focus for people having interests in the history and prehistory of humans in Colorado. In May 1936, the leadership realized that individuals throughout Colorado were interested in becoming members and changed the name to Colorado Archaeological Society. The Chipeta Chapter became the first chapter of CAS in 1935 in Montrose and today is the oldest continuously active chapter.  CAS currently has grown to nine Chapters throughout the state with over 1000 members.

Additional information on the early history of CAS can be found in a previously published issue of Southwestern Lore entitled Colorado Archaeological Society: Historical Perspectives and Impacts.

Our Bylaws

The CAS Bylaws, Amended & Restated effective as of

October 22, 2022. 

CAS Advocacy Policy

Approved by the CAS Board on July 18, 2020 

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