Join Colorado Archaeological Society
The Colorado Archaeological Society (CAS) was originally formed in
1935 and as an organization covered the entire state of Colorado.
To better serve its growing membership spread out across the
state, Chapters were formed over time in different locations in
the state. Currently, we have nine Chapters that operate
independently yet remain under the umbrella of the statewide
organization and subscribe to the same purpose, goals and
Member Benefits:
Field trips to sites around Colorado and the western U.S.
Opportunities to participate in professionally supervised archaeological projects.
Volunteer work trips and service projects.
Four issues of the quarterly CAS newsletter, THE SURVEYOR.
The widely respected CAS quarterly journal, Southwestern Lore.
Participation in the CAS Annual Conference.
Archaeological certification training (PAAC) offered in conjunction with History Colorado.
Camaraderie with other avocationalists, professionals and students interested in archaeology and cultural preservation.
There are two ways to become a member:
Join CAS through a Chapter
Join directly through one of the nine Chapters located around the State. Click here for a list, map and description of our Chapters. Each Chapter description is linked to that Chapter's website where you will find instructions to join. As a Chapter member you will receive Chapter newsletters and email communications about events, field trips, and other activities.
Join at the State level through this website
Join as an unaffiliated member through the umbrella organization, Colorado Archaeological Society, through our online application process.
We also offer a way to join additional Chapters as Secondary Members should you wish to participate in another Chapter’s activities or simply wish to financially support other Chapters. For example, you live in Fort Collins, so you join the Northern Colorado (Fort Collins) chapter, but you are also interested in Rock Art, so you join the Colorado Rock Art Chapter also, making it your Secondary chapter. This option is found in any of the application processes. (Note: you must have a Home/Primary Chapter before you can join a second chapter.